Saturday, March 8, 2008

Internet of Things

Have you ever imagined that one day you can locate your room key by searching through Google? If you have not? Be prepared, a technological revolution, so called, Internet of Things is coming. The idea behind Internet of Things is to connect objects and devices to a large database and network. The objects are not only referring to electronic devices and gadgets, but also daily objects such as key, toothbrush, shoes and etc. The illustration bellow shows what Internet of Things can do from the view of business.

As defined by International Telecommunication Union (ITU), "The Internet of Things is a technological revolution that represents the future of computing and communications, and its development depends on dynamic technical innovation in a number of important fields, from wireless sensors to nanotechnology".

Internet of Things is possible by the support of technology that facilitate machine to machine communication. According to (ITU), there are three types of technologies needed to create internet of things:
  • Identification Technology:Radio-frequency identification (RFID) is one of a good example in which identification can be done in fast an convenient manner.
  • Embedded intelligence: This embed processing capabilities to objects. Hence, It is believe that it can enhance the power of network.
  • Miniaturization and nanotechnology: devices are getting smaller and smaller, this is enabled small objects to interact and connect .
There are two potential problem than comes across my mind if this technology is successfully implemented. First, security problem. What is the security mechanism used by this technology to make sure than an identification cannot be duplicated and manipulated. The second problem is privacy problem. It is possible if someone put an identification object on my shoes and track me wherever I am. Is there any protection to individual's privacy rights?

Despite of the problems it may bring, Internet of things offers a lot of benefits. Imagine that this technology is implemented on all the cars on the road. Isn't this means that we don't have to drive any more? This technology enable machine to communicate with machine, car may be able to communicate with another car or traffic lights to ensure no accident happen. More over, cars may communicate with web services such as Google map, you just need to name your destination your car will bring you there.

I think this is more than just my imagination. These things are absolutely possible with the support of internet of things.


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